
TLWH - Chapter 11

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The Lone, Wild Heart:
Chapter: 11 - A Flame Extinguished
By: Christina Stoppa

Flight came quickly to Arcturus. Though Glissendel was a wonderful teacher, Arcturus honestly found himself learning more by observing the dragonflies at the lakeshore. He flew more like them than Glissendel did, simply because of the shape of his wings. Glissendel and all the other Woodland Fairies were more like butterflies or moths in their flight patterns. They relied heavily on flapping their wings in slower sweeping motions and gliding for short distances. Arcturus's wings, however, beat much more rapidly. He was significantly more manoeuvrable in the air and could turn very sharply as well. He was also considerably faster than any of the Woodland Fairies. Though he was only a child, he could already defeat Glissendel in a race very easily.

Arcturus could also do something that the Woodland Fairies had never seen. The child remembered it from his parents and brother. If ever he worried that his wings could be damaged, all he had to do was will it and they would disappear. The moment he wanted them back again, they would flutter into existence once more. So, at night, he would cast off his wings to sleep more comfortably, and in the mornings, he welcomed them back once again.

It was the tradition of the Woodland Fairies to pass trades from the older members of the family to the younger. So, Arcturus learned the ins and outs of being a guardian, a scribe and a cook. By the age of twelve, he had become Glissendel's regular companion on his trips into the woods.

One summer, when the air was warm and dry, Grandfather fell ill. It was nothing serious, though it was enough to keep the old fairy in bed. While Glissendel and Arcturus continued their work out in the woods, Niriel made a point of spending the days with Grandfather, helping him to recover.

Within a few days, he was back on his feet once more, pestering Niriel about her cooking, though he was still not well enough to leave the tree house. As was usual for him, the old fairy got very restless. It was summer and1 the weather was warm. This was the only time of year that he could comfortably spend time outside and he very desperately wanted to be working in his garden. Niriel refused to let him over exert himself in such a way and the old fairy made it a point to bother her all the more.

Eventually, Niriel conceded to moving a chair out onto the tree house's deck so Grandfather could sit outside, enjoying the sun and the birds. For a few days, this satisfied the old fairy. However, as his health improved, he became all the more restless remaining stuck up in the tree house.

* * *

Sometimes, in the summer when the sun is beginning to set on the horizon, the air takes on a warm, calm, blissful quality and everything seems to turn golden with sunlight.  It was one such evening that Glissendel and Arcturus crossed the bridge from the other side of the lake on their way home. The lake's waters were so still and silent. They were a flawless mirror of the golden sky. Along the path in the brush, across the sandy shore and up the hill towards the town Arcturus and Glissendel went. Together they walked the winding paths among the giant trees. Arcturus couldn't help but notice the silence that hung in the air and the absence of people near their homes.

They walked on only to find that a crowd had gathered beneath their tree house. Glissendel's steps slowed as they approached the eerily quiet crowd. No one seemed to notice them draw near. Confusion passed across Glissendel's face as he surveyed the people who had gathered. At last his eyes came to rest on Niriel. She was standing near the centre of the crowd, looking towards the ground as they all were. Suddenly, she turned and saw Glissendel standing on the path. She pushed her way through the people and moved towards Glissendel and Arcturus. As she got closer, Glissendel could see that she had been crying. She seemed as if she was trying very hard not to at the moment.

Glissendel knew immediately that something terrible had happened. He dropped his staff and ran to the crowd.

Arcturus tried to follow, but Niriel grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered, 'A child should not see such things.'

Arcturus watched as Glissendel forced himself through to the centre of the crowd. There, the tall fairy stood silent for a short moment looking to the ground as though stunned. Suddenly, he let out a great cry and sank to his knees out of sight. Arcturus wanted desperately to see what had happened, but Niriel refused to let him go.

It was some time later that Glissendel emerged - staggering out of the crowd in tears. He dropped into Niriel's arms and she tried desperately to be his strength.

Quietly, she whispered into his ear,

'Kale etha irune mare norengathu...'
Go, you must make the preparations...

Arcturus still didn't comprehend what was happening, but he watched as Glissendel - with a face more sorrowful than he had ever seen - slowly walked away.

Niriel took Arcturus by the hand.

'Come,' she said to him and he followed her up into the tree house.

As they entered, Torayune came to greet them nervously; as if she understood that something had gone wrong. Niriel went into Grandfather's room and brought out a sealed wooden box.

'Stay here.' She ordered Arcturus as she carried it outside.

Despite what he had been told, he stealthily followed her out the door. Arcturus watched from the deck as Niriel floated to the ground. She solemnly handed the box to Glissendel who, after taking it from her, turned away and walked off.

Arcturus thought of peering down from there at what was at the centre of the crowd, but before he could, Niriel turned towards him and began her ascent. Arcturus dashed back inside before she could spot him.

Niriel entered the tree house with a pained expression on her face. Arcturus, however, was dying of curiosity to know what had taken place.

So instead of considering Niriel's troubled state, he blurted out, 'What happened?'

She bit her bottom lip in an effort not to cry, but it was no use. Everything poured out from her in that moment.

'I was in here, making some stew!' she began, 'Grandfather was outside - sitting on the balcony. I should have been more watchful! He's been pleading with me to let him work in his garden but I wouldn't let him! I guess... he decided to take matters into his own hands! I heard a loud crash outside - like a big branch falling from the tree, and I ran outside..! I don't know how it happened... but the rope on Grandfather's elevator broke... and he fell... he couldn't fly... he fell...' Niriel sank to the floor in tears, '...When I got there... he was already dead...'

Arcturus didn't know what to do. He was utterly shocked. A strange pain struck down through him - through his heart and all the way to his toes. But this pain was different from a cut or a bruise. He suddenly realized how easy it can be to cry from physical pain. Mental pain, however, can sometimes be so much more difficult to express. Too stunned to know how to react, he simply remained silent and contemplative as Niriel tried to regain her composure.

'What will happen now?' Arcturus inquired absently.

Niriel looked towards him and quietly replied, 'Well, there is to be a funeral Glissendel's gone to make the preparations. We will wait here through the night. Early tomorrow - before the sun rises, when the sky is still black, the big clay bell outside the temple will ring and we will go to the ceremony...'

Niriel's response hadn't answered the true question in Arcturus's words. Perhaps she had misunderstood the tone in the child's voice but then again, Arcturus hadn't really expected and answer in the first place.

The tree house suddenly seemed all the more empty as Arcturus, Niriel and Torayune sat silently together within its walls. A piece of the mosaic had gone missing, a stroke from the painting had been removed, a flame had been extinguished - there was one less spark of life in their existence.

© Christina Stoppa 2004
I don't really know what to say about this chapter... I imagine somebody out there might be mad at me for writing it - just because of what happens to one of the characters. Well, anyways, its a sad chapter. The illustration for this chapter is still a work in progress.

This written piece is under copyright! It is the property of Christina Stoppa and may not be used without permission!

Other chapters:
Prologue: The Wretched Race..................[link]
Chapter 1: The Valley of the Moon...........[link]
Chapter 2: Glissendel.............................[link]
Chapter 3: The Woodland City.................[link]
Chapter 4: The Scribe and the Firefly.......[link]
Chapter 5: Ghosts of the Past..................[link]
Chapter 6: Kuriyami...............................[link]
Chapter 7: Haunted................................[link]
Chapter 8: The Hunt...............................[link]
Chapter 9: A Burden of Memory..............[link]
Chapter 10: The Transformation..............[link]
Chapter 11: A Flame Extinguished............
Chapter 12: Beyond the Dust and Ashes...[link]
Chapter 13: The Return of Spring.............[link]
Chapter 14: The Fading Firefly.................[link]
Chapter 15: The Story Must Live On.........[link]
Chapter 16: The Tearful Journey..............[link]
Chapter 17: The Sleeping Bones..............[link]
Chapter 18: Rest for the Weary Soul........[link]
Chapter 19: The Silver Cup.....................[link]
Chapter 20: A Lesson in Courage.............[link]
Chapter 21: A Lesson in Independence.....[link]
Chapter 22: A Lesson in Perseverance......[link]
© 2004 - 2024 Qiu-Ling
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